

Just as Lucien walks out of the hidden side of the company with a bright smile on his face he hears babbles and giggles and his brows curve up and he tilts his head.

One of the voices talking is so familiar to him that he has to glance toward where it is coming from and there she is.

Brianna Pearson in the new car he just got for his amor!

His eyes dilate a bit because he didn't expect to see her there but he quickly composes himself. He is a bit infuriated to see her in the car he got for Juliet and he still feels like ripping her off of everything because she doesn't deserve it one bit!

While he is reminiscing on that he picks up what they are discussing and clenches his fist! They are among those playing games with his company and draining its resources.

He wants to go right there and confront them on their unlawful attitude but he recalls that he needs to walk in before she notices him. Not just because she will start questioning him on what he is doing there but because he is o
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