

It must have taken only a few seconds for everything to sink in for Sophie.

She wasn't sure what had done it for her. Maybe it was the happy gleam in her father's green orbs or it was the smirk on Giovanni's face as he groped her ass, running his dirty hands over her body. Or probably, most likely the man standing at the far end of the hallway, his blue eyes suddenly icy as they stared at her.

But she did.

Sophie pushed at him with all the strengths she could muster and without wasting for a second more, she landed a very dirty loud slap on his face.

“You bastard,” she growled, her eyed stinking and welling with tears. She couldn't believe that he had done that. Yes, she had known how lowly he thought of women and females in general but to think that he would just sweep in and kiss her like she was his toy or something made her blood boil.

“You stupid, egoistic asshole,” she continued, her chest rising and falling as she fought deeply to suppress her tears.

But Giovanni was angry too
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