

Days had passed since Sophie experienced that whole episode with Tyler and his legally married wife. They said time would heal open scars and wounds but with each day that had passed, Sophie hadn't found any of the wounds healing.

If anything, she found them digging open wider at every thought of him.

She just couldn't help it. She had nothing to do except to sit on her own and wallow in her self pity and loss. She still couldn't believe that this was happening to her. She didn't understand the logic behind it. He had hurt her. He had lied to her about everything.

What did it matter?


She sniffed as she scratched the place that itched on her hair. She hadn't gotten around to showering or even leaving the room Kristen had given to her. Kristen had tried to take a day off after everything but she wouldn't let the poor girl do that. So every morning, Kristen left for work leaving her with everything she would need so she wouldn't have to get out of the room except that particu
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