

Every fiber of his being screamed with defiance, but a sense of resignation settled over him like a heavy shroud.

He understood all too well the power dynamics at play, the delicate balance of influence and authority that Damon Banks wielded over him.

As much as he wanted to lash out, to resist, he knew it would be futile. Going against Banks would only lead to his downfall, and Mason could not afford to jeopardize his own ambitions, no matter how much it grated against his pride.

With a deep breath, he forced himself to swallow his pride, to suppress the simmering rage boiling within him. He may have felt like a caged animal, but for now, he had no choice but to bide his time and play the game according to Banks's rules.

Damon's expression remained unreadable as Mason approached him tentatively. "So." Mason began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words. "I divorce Arabella and..." he left the sentence hanging.

"And the future of the project will be in your hands
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