

We went down to the lobby and out to the valet circle where the Bentley was waiting for us. The valet handed off the keys to Johnny, but before we could get in, Connor turned to Javier.

“You’re welcome to come with us,” he said to Javier, then added to Sebastian, “If you want him there for moral support – ”

The smaller man smiled. “Thank you, but I must be getting back. I have a shoot in two days, and I know Sebastian will be very busy, so – ”

“I’ll make it up to you when this is all over,” Sebastian promised.

“You do what you need to do and don’t worry about me.”

Connor smiled. “Thanks for the help up there.”

“It was very… interesting.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Connor laughed darkly, then turned to Sebastian. “Did you book a flight for him?”

“Of course – first class back to LAX, leaves in an hour and a half,” Sebastian said, like he was insulted Connor would dare suggest he didn’t have things in order.

“We’d drop you off if we could – ” Connor started, but Javier waved his hand.

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