
Chapter 136

Johnny was piiiiiissed.

I couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying, but whatever it was, he said it loudly enough for Connor to make a face and hold the cell phone away from his ear.

It sounded like Charlie Brown’s teacher’s wah-wah-wah-WAAAH crossed with a fire-and-brimstone preacher.

Connor let him vent for a few seconds, then said, “I’m getting on 10 East… you can find me, I’ll be the maroon Lamborghini Aventador.”

More wah-wah-wah-WAAAAH.

“Yes, fine, okay, I’ll drive under the speed limit so you can get to me… jeez, man, I don’t know who’s worse, you or Lily.”

Things quieted down on the other end as Johnny asked something in a lower tone of voice.

Connor smiled. “Because she’s with me.”

Silence. Then Johnny said something else, and Connor pulled the cell away from his ear and hit a button for speakerphone.


I smiled. “Hi, Johnny.”

“You made him call me, didn’t you?”


“Thank you. At least SOMEBODY’S brain is working right.”

“Hey,” Connor warned.

“Where’d you get th
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