


"This is one hell of a roommate", I thought.

I brought my hand to the door of the room and knocked again, seems like they are too into the moment.

The third time I knocked was a bang, I banged hard, it wasn't all about civilization, if I should act civilized, damn that means I would keep knocking until the following morning.

The banging interrupted the session, as everwhere became calm, the next thing I heard was the ruffling of zipper and little groan of displeasure, "that would be from him", I thought.

The door came open with full force immediately, I had thoughts about my height, but this guy was way too tall, I had to look up to see his eyes.

When I looked up, I bursted out laughing immediately, his height was so funny, as he had this tough build, like someone who had participated in world war II, and was tired of life.

He scoffed and asked who I was, "Hey young man, what are you looking for?", He asked.

"I came looking for you", I replied, he arched his brows and puffed from his nose.

"Why did you come looking for me?", He asked.

"You're to remain silent for every....", I didn't even finish when he just dragged me inside.

Immediately we were inside he locked the door, "you fool, Colton Martakis, who was disowned by his Father", he said, while gulping the drink he had brought from his refrigerator.

I was shocked that he knows me, "he was disgraced by his father in the podium of his auditorium, and...", I snapped him shut.

"Enough of all that", I scoffed.

He looked at me, like he was accessing and weighing my capabilities.

"The bathroom is outside the house, not the gate, I mean the house, there's is a bucket in the right side of my door just outside the room.

Go fast and freshen up, I still have an unfinished business here", he said, looking at the wrapped up body on the bed.

That was when my mind went to the lady there, I never even noticed her, when I came in.

She rose slowly from the bed, like she was covering herself.

"Damnnnnn, she's too small for this wrestler", I mumbled.

A petite blonde with a huge guy, imperfect match, perfect contrast.

"Is that the only stuff, you came up here with", the big guy said.

I just looked at him and eyed him warily, "as wealthy as you are, this is the only stuff you can back with, not even a little powder", the powder he was referring to was the Indian hemp.

I was getting furious, but definitely there were meaningful words in what he was saying.

"Where do I get to change my clothes, or I have to do it in the presence of the blondie?", I asked.

"You would take your body out of here to the bathroom to wash yourself, but, you could also give the blondie a pleasure of seeing you", he replied.

I just removed my trouser and my top, I was left with my briefs, I wanted to keep my gold chain, wristwatch and anklet on the table, but the look the big guy gave me made me take it back.

It looked like he saw a prey and was about to attack the predator, and the predator was my gold accessories.

I took all of them along with me, I wasn't even out of the door when I heard him unzipping for pump action two.

Once I was out, I shut the door, I rested my head back on the door, this is reality and this is the life am going to live.

After I was done taking my bath, I came back to the room, the blondie was gone already, and the room smelt of sex, sweat and stenched of alcohol.

It wasn't a new smell to me, I had much of some drinker friends back at home.

"Done right", it was the deep voice of the big guy. Still the big guy, because I haven't gotten to know his name.

"Underwood, no need to address yourself, mine is Underwood", he said as he brought out his hands for a handshake.

"I wasn't expecting you to see the room in such messed up situation,but neither was I expecting you today.

I expected you to have called earlier, at least I would have redressed you on the day to come", he said, I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

I just ignored him and reciprocated the handshake, I wondered how my life would be from tomorrow.

"You got to pick up your life and start from scratch, you know you just can't be sitting at home all day, doing nothing", he said.

I had thought about all what he just said, I never planned on staying at home all through.

"Is there any job you plan on offering me?", I asked.

"There's is still vacancy for people, the hotel I work for as a waiter still needs more people, when you're ready I will take you there", he said.

I laughed out, "are you really saying this?, Anytime you make up your mind to take me there, I am all ready, even if it means going now", I said.

"Don't be too enthusiastic about working there, their pay isn't really good and for you to get an extra pay, you have to flirt with everyone.

When I say you have to flirt with everyone, I don't mean young ladies or girls, you have to flirt with both gays and old women, they give good tips.

If you're interested, do let me know, and remember anyone that wants to flirt you have to agree with them.

Someone is ready to take a report against you of being rude, and the hotel management bends strictly to the wills and wants of the customers at the detriment of we the workers", he said.

I was shocked beyond words, how would I stoop so low just to make ends meet.

"I can't do it", I shot out.

"It's okay if you can't, not everyone is able to tolerate lustful stares from the same sex.

It's still okay, if you don't want to work, seems like you came back with enough money, to feed yourself", he snorted.

I scoffed, "that's just it, no work; no food", I thought.

Things I have to do to survive, I have to let go of my pride and loads of other characters of mine.

"Are you in or not?", The big guy asked. 

I nodded my head vigorously, "Colton listen, you have to, cause the little I earn can't and won't be able to sustain both of us", he said.

"I am not in, I can't do that", I scoffed.

"Alright, I wanted to give you a free house and a free bed, but since you have decided against working at the end of the month you would have to pay.

You won't just pay for the shelter and warmth, but also for my bucket and other utensils of mine, you would use before the month runs out", he said, giving me a threatening glare, about me backing down from accepting his offer.

"I can't", I said again.

He walked with powerful strides towards me, gripped my shoulders hardly and gave it a rough squeeze before saying, "let go of the past, this is the future, if you won't take the job offer.

I won't care lifting you up and dragging you there with hands on your collar", I looked at his face and looked back down at his hands which gripped my shoulders hard.

"Let me go, I would start the job tomorrow", I said.

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Marena John Lambrou
I know all about a roughife & sisters

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