


The Chu Wuyou group of company which has the biggest resort in the whole of Jin City, just got a business deal with Pepper Eatery, Athina would have to be flying over to Jin City, not just her, but with a partner.

Maria was bent over her table reading the contract details to Miss Athina Papageorgiou, her waist and her neck hurting from her recent posture.

"What the fuck!!", Miss Athina shrieked in pure horror as her eyes widened.

"Please read that line again", Miss Athina ordered.

"Miss Athina but this would be the fifth time I am going over this again, maybe I should give you the document so you would read it yourself", Maria complained.

"Just do the damn thing, or isn't that what you are paid for?", Miss Athina snapped.

"Alright, alright, chill, I will do just that", Maria said.

"You must come along with your partner, which would be your proposed husband to be, before the co

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