


Jackson rose to his feet as soon as his uncle came in; Amelia followed suit, smiling as the man took her in very suspiciously.

She had told Jackson that it would have been better if they met alone but he had insisted on her presence.

He wanted her to be a judge of the man in front of them and that is what she was going to be.

“Hello uncle… meet Amelia, my girlfriend” Jackson introduced.

The man raised an eyebrow slightly but Amelia watched him relax a bit before he smiled in her direction.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Amelia… my name is John” he told her.

Amelia smiled, shaking the hand he offered and then taking a seat.

They had prepared dishes that she was sure he was going to enjoy and she watched his eyes light up as he picked up the fork in front of him.

Jackson on the other hand was watching him like a tiger would watch a prey it was about to make dinner. He did not like the idea of inviting him over for anything but he had to figure out if the man
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