


Alexander took a deep breath, preparing himself to defend his choices. "Emma is not an ordinary girl, Mother. And yes, we are engaged. I made this decision to protect our family."

Alexander's words hung in the air, his declaration reverberating through the room. His mother's face contorted with a mix of anger and disbelief. She leaned forward, her voice sharp and piercing.

"Protect the family? You dare to speak of protecting the family while you throw your future away with some insignificant girl?" Her tone dripped with venom.

Alexander's jaw clenched, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. "Mother, Emma is not insignificant. She carries my child, your grandchild. I will not abandon them."

His mother's eyes blazed with fury, her words cutting like knives. "You think bringing an illegitimate child into this family is protecting it? You are deluded, Alexander. You have lost sight of what truly matters."

The tension in the room escalated,
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