


With a resigned sigh, I finally relented. I opened myself up to the possibility of sharing this simple meal with him. My eyes met his, and for a fleeting moment, I caught a glimpse of the vulnerability that lay hidden beneath his hardened exterior.

Silently, he began feeding me, bite by bite, his movements gentle yet mechanical. The tension between us hung heavy in the air, but as the minutes passed, a subtle shift occurred. With each morsel that passed my lips, a fragile connection began to mend.

Memories of our shared past flickered through my mind: the stolen glances, the laughter, and the tenderness we once shared. It was as if those tender moments were locked away, waiting for the right key to unlock them once more.

As the last bite was consumed, I felt a flicker of gratitude towards Alexander for his unexpected act of kindness. Despite the coldness that still enveloped him, he had extended a small gesture of care, a glimmer of acknowledgment
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