

When Ryder woke up to an empty space next to him, it had scared him because he'd thought something had happened to her, and then it had hurt him to realise she'd probably just ran out on him again.

But he didn't blame her this time though, he didn't have any cutting words sitting sharply on the tip of his tongue and waiting to be spat at her.

He took it as it was, she was still scared of him in that way but he wasn't going to goad her about it this time or bait her with sneers and cruelty, he planned to wait till she was ready.

Climbing off the bed, he stood tall to his full six feet four, stretching out his muscles.

He missed her presence already it was barely hours since he last held her.

A look in the dressing mirror that stood tall in the middle of the room showed how tired he looked even with the hours of sleep he'd managed to get.

It'd been a tough week with everything that's happened, and being back here.....well, what had he been exp

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