

Brandon had no plans of spending all evening in this restaurant.

No, he had plans and this one, a brief business meeting, was just a decoy to cover up the real reason for his presence back here.

Through out the previous week, his phone had been ringing off the hook and he'd come home more times than he'd like to a voicemail from Jeffery Mathew asking him to return.

Apparently, Paul's bastard hadn't died off like his father had promised them years ago, no, the little thing had ran away and was back now more powerful than was good for their comfort.

A little fun then and now he has to deal with the little shit before it comes back bitting them in the ass.

He had doubts he'd be able to recognise the boy even if he burst in through that entrance wearing the Jean and unbuttoned flannel shirts and glasses he'd favored back then.

That was why he'd paid a little fortune to the best private investigators he could find to do the digging and hand him e

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