

“Wow… she’s hot…” Julia’s unexpected comment had me giving her a suspicious look. “What…?” she queried in defense of her comment. “That’s just an observation, not like I’m checking her out or something.”

“Whatever…” I said, waiting for her to come explain why exactly she had stopped me there in front of everyone.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t be ignoring this obvious call for attention?” Julia asked, as she seemed uncomfortable with all the eyes turned in our direction. “Besides, there’s a chance that she might make us stay longer than we intend to.”

“I just hope you have a good reason for stopping me here…” I said as I saw Amelia walking towards me, with a step that breathed nothing but seduction, just like ever other element in her motion.

The smile she had on her face went a long way in annoying me. I just couldn’t tell what exactly it was that kept annoying me. Was it the smile, or just the fact that she had been Dolph’s ex? That was a dilemma I would solve later as I was focused o
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