



My eyes widened as I saw her, and my phone slipped from my grasp, clattering to the floor.

“Binky,” I whispered, my heart aching as tears streamed down her face.

“I was stupid to believe you,” she sobbed, her voice trembling as she broke down completely.

She turned and ran into the next room, slamming the door so hard that it echoed through the house.

“There’s been a lot of door-slamming lately,” Zach observed.

“What did you do to her?” Jessie demanded, her brows furrowed.

“Ari, please open the door!” Jessie pounded on it.

A claustrophobic sensation began to crawl up my throat, and I clenched my fists as conflicting thoughts warred in my mind—one screaming for me to drown my sorrows in alcohol. I marched over to the indoor bar and downed five glasses in quick succession. Zach, understanding me all too well, stood silently, offering no reproach.

Grabbing my car keys, I headed for the door, only to be intercepted by Zach.

“You’ve had too much to drink,” he cautioned. “It’s midnight. Don’t you think it’s too late?”

“I just need to clear my head,” I replied, pushing past him and stepping out.

I entered the elevator and descended to the underground parking lot. My car beeped as I unlocked it, and I slipped into the driver’s seat, throwing punches at the steering wheel.

Seeing Binky in pain, especially the pain I caused, was something I couldn’t bear.

Starting the engine, I sped into the streets. I ran a hand through my hair, my thoughts a jumbled mess. Lucy’s call had come at the worst possible time. She had gotten too close to my father, and if I hadn’t responded, she might have suspected I was with Binky, which would have been disastrous. I cursed my own cowardice.

As I left the bustling city behind and entered a quieter area with fewer cars, I floored the accelerator, watching the speedometer climb to 180 km/h. I opened the convertible’s top, but even with the heavy breeze blowing, it couldn't sweep away the stinging sensation coursing through my body.

My heart leaped as I thought I saw something on the road. Losing control, I crashed into a tree, leaving a huge dent in my car. Miraculously unscathed, I got out and scanned the damage. I grunted as I kicked the car repeatedly like that would make me feel better. I pulled out my phone and dialed Zach’s number.

Scratching the back of my head, I paced back and forth. “Can you come and pick me up?” I asked as soon as he answered.



As we arrived back at the hotel, I wanted to burst down that door and beg her, hold her close, and tell her that I really meant it when I said I would fix everything. But what good will it do when I’m barely in control of my life? Knowing she would still see me holding Lucy's hand and acting like I was in love.

I wish I could just tell her about my plans, but what if my plans fail? I would only end up disappointing her.

I smacked my forehead again as I crashed into the sitting area in the kitchen.

Zach handed me a glass of water. “Let’s get down to business.” He settled down across from me.

I sat up, my gaze falling on the paper and pen on the slab.

“So I have registered the two paper companies.” He notified me. “The first paper company is TNK Co-operation; this is what we will use for your father.” He said he was encircling it on the paper.

“And the second?” I implored.

“ZeeTech, this is your backup company we would use for your father if he doesn’t fall for TNK cooperation." Zach continued.

“I will also use this to buy shares in Beckham Construction," I added, pointing at the ZeeTech written on the paper.

Zach leaned back on the chair, rubbing his chin with the pen as he tilted his head from side to side. “We have to get a building.”

“We have to get a building,” he reiterated, sounding more confident.

"Also, we have to make investments in other businesses.” I smiled. I reached out for the alcohol on the slab.

“To build our reputation.” Zach snatched the bottle from my hand. “You’ve had enough to drink tonight.”

“My throat is dry.”

“Drink water then,”

“I can hold down my liquor.” I scoffed.

“Tell your car that.” He raised a brow. “Back to business. Once we build our reputation, we can buy shares at Beckham Construction." He added.

“But how can we get a fifty-five percent share of Beckham Construction?" I pondered aloud.

Silence lingered as we searched our brains for solutions. It was suddenly broken by Jessie, who strolled in, eyeing me as she reached out for a bottle of water.

“How is she feeling?” I asked Jessie.

“How do you think she would be feeling?” Jessie retorted before hissing and returning to the room.

Her words reminded my heart of its ache.

A partial smile played on my lips as Zach nearly broke his neck, his gaze following Jessie until she disappeared.

“You really do have a thing for feisty women,” I remarked.

Zach chuckled. “Back to business.”

“How about we register other companies under both ZeeTech and TNK as parent companies?" I suggested. “ZeeTech buys fifteen percent; TNK buys about ten percent. Sub-companies buy about twenty-five percent.”

“I buy five percent, and you buy five percent.” Zach contributed.

“We would have fifty-five percent,” I replied. “But easier said than done,” I added.

“That’s why we need to find out how many shares Lucy and her family have and the shares outside,” Zach advised. "Also, we also need scandals involving the Beckham families that can plummet their business, leading to the sale of shares.” He added.

“How do we do that?” I asked, even though I knew the answer deep down.

Zach smiled. “You already know how.”

“I have to seduce Lucy and earn her trust.” The words left a bitter taste on my tongue. “It means I have to stay out of Binky’s life.”

The words felt heavy on my tongue as they crushed my heart.

“A price to pay for freedom,” Zach said. “The contract would keep her from going anywhere. But still, we have to be quick about it. Before love turns to hatred.”

My eyes widened as his words hit me, knowing exactly what he meant.

I rose to my feet and entered my room. I soaked myself in the bath, strengthening my resolve. I would have to leave Binky for now. There is no use sticking around if all I do is break her heart. Slowly, love would turn to hatred. I arranged my luggage and dressed up.

There is only one thing standing between me and my Binky—my father. The only reason Lucy is part of my plan is because she ridiculed my Binky.

I knocked at her door, hoping to see her face before I leave, but she didn’t respond.

“Goodbye Binky. I’m leaving.”

As I approached the door, “What do you mean you are leaving?”

I turned and said to Jessie, “Take care of her for me.” I smiled.

“Where are you going?” A crease formed on her forehead.

Staring down at her, I smiled.

“To New York, I have a devil’s spawn’s trust to earn.”

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