

Brianna began to pace around , she doesn’t know what to believe, she kept flashing back to the scene and she quickly dresses up and enters into her car and drove out of her compound.

At the church.

Evelyn father whispers to her daughter’s ear. “What happened? Why did you arrive late? Her father asks.

“I will tell everyone after the wedding but I just want to enjoy this moment first dad, I don’t want to think about how we got lost on our way to the church” she says and her father matches with her to where Manuel was standing and Evelyn was all smiles as her father gives her hand to Manuel and they came to stand in front of the priest.

They both read their vows to each other and they exchange rings and the priest says.

“You may kiss the bride” they both kiss and soon the church wedding was over and the couple came out of the church taking pictures with family and friends and the priest.

Brianna drove to the scene where She burn Evelyn and the driver in the car and she peep into the valley and she could see the car down the valley, the valley is so deep that no one can even come out of it. She stood looking around the valley maybe there is an escape route but there is no escape route and she stood in confusion.

“ How could she have escaped the valley, no one can come out of this valley and if at all she escaped , she would have scars from the burns on her body but she is looking good with even a perfect make up on her face and she is even all smiles” she uses her palm to swipe down her face. “I want to believe there is an impostor right now because if not she wouldn’t be at the church” she says to herself. “ Or maybe I am not the only one who wants her dead, of course I know I am not the only one even her mom wants her dead but maybe there is someone somewhere because if there is no other person planning somewhere it wouldn’t be so easy and fast that under two hours another girl looking just like her would show up out of the blues just like that, I need to do my finding so well to know who is the impostor who has come to take the place of Evelyn before I deal with that person because I will make sure he marries no one except he comes back to me” Brianna says and goes back into her car.

The couple walks towards the rolls Royce that was going to take them to the reception with Manuel bodyguard around them and reporters came asking questions on why the bride arrived late while Manuel’s bodyguards pushed them aside and the couple enters into the rolls Royce that would take them to the reception and as they both enters into the rolls Royce Evelyn wines up the car window and he looks into her husband face and said .

“Finally, I am now Mrs. Evelyn Stephens” she kisses her husband and says “The best day of my life” she says in between their kisses and she deepened the kiss and he kissed her and their tongue dances together and he flashes back to him asking what happened that she arrived late at the church and he pulls away and she wanted to kiss him again and he kissed her and asks her.

“You know you scare everyone this morning, you should have called that you got lost or something? Manuel says.

“ I am so sorry, I just got disorganized the moment I realized we were lost, I was so scared that nothing in my brain was working at that time the only thing in my head was that I should just get to the church and say my I do and now my brain can work properly that I have said my I do” she says happily.

“I am also so happy that despite the hurdles of today we got married” he says and he kissed her.

Evelyn parent standing at one corner at the church discussing in a whisper.

“I thought Brianna said she has everything in control but here she is married to Manuel” she says to her husband.

“Even I was surprise to see her at the church, I need to know what happened from Brianna and that will be after the wedding” she says to her husband.

Brianna returns home and her daughter rushes towards her.

“Mommy! Mommy!! She says and jumps at her and she put her down.

“Please go to your nanny, my head is so hot right now” she says and yells the nannies name. “Regina! Regina!! The lady rushes out.

“Take Emmanuelle to her room, I need to think! she says and sits on the couch looking worried.

“Emmanuelle let’s go and play with your toys” the nanny says.

“No, I don’t want to go with you, I want to stay with my mom” Emmanuelle says.

“Listen Emmanuelle, I don’t have time for you, follow your nanny” she says. “And you” she says to the nanny. “Can’t you carry her?!she yells at the nanny and the nanny quickly carries Emmanuelle and rushes to leave the sitting room while Emmanuelle struggles out of the nanny’s hand and Brianna rushes to her wine bar and she pours a wine for herself and she pours it into her mouth at once and she gulps it down her throat once and she pours another for herself.

During the reception Evelyn danced happily while her parents also pretend to be happy but deeply within them they are not happy she is still living and Evelyn mom leans her head towards her husband and says. “Don’t you think we can still plan something fast? Her husband stares at her.

“Something like what?

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