
Chapter 7

Chapter 7: His Majesty, The King

Isabel's POV

As we kept our heads down, suddenly, there was a deep, resonant sound of drums that echoed across the courtyard. The steady beat signaled the beginning of the Winter Welcoming Feast, a grand celebration marking the end of the harvest and the onset of the colder months. The drums finally ceased and a hush fell over the crowd.

“His Majesty, the King!” announced the master of the banquet, his voice carrying across the courtyard.

We immediately curtsied deeply and held our positions as the grand doors of the throne hall creaked open. All eyes turned toward the entrance where King Lucian Devereux emerged. His figure exuded regal majesty, commanding attention. His tall and powerful frame was draped in luxurious robes that shimmered in the twilight. The crown atop his head glinted with precious gems, but it was his face that drew a quiet gasp from my lips. King Lucian possessed a manly beauty that was both striking and captivating. His chiseled features, sharp jawline, and silvery gray eyes spoke of authority and grace.

I couldn't help but marvel at his royalness. The king was a perfect blend of strength and refinement. As he walked forward, his every step was measured and regal. Each of his movement was an evidence of his noble lineage. The guests stood and bowed deeply as he passed, raising their respects to the monarch.

The king took his place at the head of the banquet table. His presence alone was enough to transform the atmosphere into one of solemn grandeur. Only after he sat did the guests and staff rise from their bows to settle into their places.

Once everyone was settled, King Lucian raised a goblet high in the air. His voice was strong and clear as he addressed the assembly.

“People of Montebello,” he began, “we gather tonight to celebrate the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter. Let us give thanks for the bounty of the earth and pray for warmth and sustenance through the cold months ahead. Together, we stand strong, united in our kingdom and in our hopes for the future.”

The moment the king ended his speech, a cheer immediately rose from the crowd and I felt a swell of pride. This celebration was not just about food and drink. It was about the resilience and unity of our people. Yet, I couldn't help but think about the people in the slums. Did they also find cause for celebration, or will they struggle through another harsh winter?

The other palace maids and I moved gracefully between the tables to ensure that every guest was attended to. While placing a tray of delicate pastries on the table and minding my own work, another maid approached me. She had a friendly smile and warm demeanor. “How are you holding up?” she asked kindly.

"It's been overwhelming, but in a good way," I replied, a little uncomfortable since I did not know her name. "This is my first day here."

She nodded while her eyes were filled with understanding. “It can be a lot to take in. I remember my first day well. But you’re doing great. Just take it one step at a time.”

"Thank you. Your words mean a lot," I said, now feeling a bit more at ease. She smiled and gave me a comforting tap on my shoulder before proceeding with her own tasks. So I continued with mine.

While I was busy with my work and some performers began their part in the center of the banquet, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was staring at me. It was an unsettling sensation, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I tried to focus on my duties, but the feeling persisted.

I was unable to ignore it any longer so I glanced around, searching for the source. My eyes scanned the crowd and unintentionally landed on the king. My breath caught in my throat as I realized he was staring at me. His silvery gray eyes were fixed on me with an intensity that made me flinch.

My heart pounded as I quickly bowed my head and turned away, trying to escape his gaze. I walked briskly to another part of the courtyard while my mind raced. Although I felt nervous and overwhelmed after seeing the king eye to eye, I was also confused by his intent stare. Did he recognize me from somewhere? Or was it something else entirely? The questions swirled in my mind, but I had no answers.

Then suddenly, the king gestured towards one of his attendants. It was a subtle yet decisive motion that did not go unnoticed. Moments later, I heard the heavy, deliberate footsteps of a royal guard stomping toward the kitchen. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. The guard's approach was unmistakable, each of his step echoed ominously against the stone floor.

I glanced up from my work as my pulse quickened. The guard's stern expression and purposeful stride made it clear that he was on a mission. I couldn't help but wonder if I had done something wrong. Had I made a mistake in my duties? My mind raced with possibilities, each one more alarming than the last.

The guard entered the kitchen, his eyes scanning the room before they settled on me. He marched directly toward me, and I felt every pair of eyes in the kitchen turn in my direction. The other maids and kitchen staff paused in their tasks, their curiosity and concern evident.

"You there," the guard said with an authoritative voice. "Come with me."

I swallowed hard as my mouth suddenly became dry. "Is there a problem, sir?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"The king has requested your presence," he replied, offering no further explanation.

My heart pounded in my chest. The king requested my presence? The idea seemed absurd and terrifying in equal measure. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak and followed the guard out of the kitchen. As we walked, I could feel the eyes of the staff following us, their whispers a hushed backdrop to my growing anxiety.

The guard led me through the winding corridors of the palace. I thought the king was at his table? What could the king possibly want with me that he would go his way to have a private conversation with me? My mind raced with possibilities but none of them were reassuring.

Finally, we arrived at a small antechamber. A separated hall just behind the king's throne hall. The guard gestured for me to wait, then disappeared through a door to announce my arrival. I stood there with my hands trembling slightly, trying to compose myself.

After what felt like an eternity, the door opened again, and the guard motioned for me to enter. I stepped inside with my heart in my throat. The room was dimly lit. The flickering candlelight casted long shadows on the walls and in the center of the room stood King Lucian, his eyes fixed on me with that same intense gaze I had felt earlier.

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