

She had arrived to the office, climbing down the car she moved towards the building. Her workers greeted as she walked past them. She replied them normally as she headed to her office. Entering her office she slumped on her onto her chair, running her hand through her hair. Her meeting was about to start in twenty minutes with the CEO of another importing company.

She looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted her shirt, even though she had no makeup on she looked quite the same, many people had once told her she even looked better without makeup.

Her phone vibrated in her table, walking over the table she connected her AirPods to her ears and picked the call, it was her mother.

“Hey mum”. Annabelle said, flipping through the files in front of her.

“Sweetheart, how are you doing?”. Her mother voice came from the receiver.

“Yes mum, I am doing fine, although I had a weird dream yesterday but it felt so real. I don’t understand anything anymore”. She explained to her mother.

“Oh sorry sweetheart, have you been taking your sleeping pills?” Her mother asked.

“Mum I don’t need it anymore, I sleep perfectly well now”, Annabelle explained but her mother was having none of it. “I got new prescriptions for you from the doctor I will send them to you” Her mother stated given her no space to refuse.

“Fine Mum”, Annabelle said finally giving into her mother words.

“I heard you got yourself a new driver,”. Her mother stated,

“Yes mother I did, The last one won’t be coming back. So I just had to accept this one and he looks capable and has been so far”. Annabelle said.

“Okay dear, you should come visit soon. I will have to now, I have things to do”

“Okay mum, I will be over by the weekend, have a nice day, I love you” Annabelle said

“I love you too sweetheart, okay I will be expecting you”. Her mother said and the call ended.

Her door opened and her personal assistant walked into the office with a file and a cup of coffee in her hand. “Ma’am, they are waiting for you in the board room”. Lora stated.

“Thank you Lora, I will be there in minute”. Annabelle said as she watched Lora place the coffee on the table and walk out of the office.

She followed shortly after, she got to the boardroom and met with the CEO of the company, who was surprising a woman like her, it was so unlikely to see a woman leading a company. The meeting went by smoothly as they ended it in agreement with the two parties.

Annabelle walked back to her office, she had decided to lodge in a hotel to clear her head before she could stay in her house, she didn’t still feel safe yet.

She entered her office to see Aiden sitting in the visitor’s chair with his long legs crossed. A frown appeared across her face. “What are you doing here?” She said pulling his attention to her

“I came here to talk to you”, she heard him say and she walked over to her chair and sat down, hopefully this man was not planning on leaving soon.

“Okay Aiden, what is it you plan on talking about?” She said, looking at the man in front of her.

“You should get a body guard for your personal protection” He said calmly.

“What? Why would you even say so?” She asked surprise evident in her voice.

“Because you need it Ms Annabelle, and I would advise you should follow my words” He said and Annabelle frowned the nerve of this man.

“You...”, “I want to be your bodyguard”, he said interrupting her.

Again Annabelle was speechless at this man’s audacious words, what the hell had she gotten herself into. “Are you crazy?” She couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes I am crazy but that isn’t the case here, I want to apply to be your bodyguard” He said calmly.

“And why do you think I will employ a crazy man to protect me” She asked.

“Because you employed a crazy man to be your driver, you very much know I am capable of protecting you” He said and they both stared at each other in silence.

After a moment, Annabelle finally spoke. “I would think about it, you can leave”

Aiden raised from his chair picked her coffee from her table on his way leaving the office. “Where do you think you’re going with that?” He heard her ask. “I want it” he said simply and with that he walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.

He entered the elevator looking at the coffee in his hand, Ding! The elevator opened and he threw the cup into the trash can and headed towards the car park.

He hopped into the car and zoomed off, his eyes were fixed on the highway as the car moved on a high speed, he made a turn entering a building. He jumped down the car walking towards a man with dark hair, the dark haired man stood behind a brand new black Lamborghini.

“Good afternoon sir” The man said with a thick Mexican accent.

“Keys”, Aiden asked stretching his hand, as the man placed the keys of the car into his hands, Aiden walked around the car as his eyes moved around the car, as if he was looking for something. His jaw tightened as he stared back at the man who had beads of sweat on his face, he immediately pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped his sweaty face.

Aiden caught his movement, his eyes darkened as he stared at the man, “You fucking bastard”. He cursed loud enough for the man to hear.

The man turned his head to look at him immediately, but Aiden pulled a gun from his back pocket and shot the man in the middle of his head. The man’s lifeless body fell flat on the ground.

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