

Gabriel sprang up on his feet as he saw the picture Zeke had sent to him along with the caption. He was in his study, in the middle of a conversation with Sal but now he had silenced him and called Zeke.

Zeke had answered on the first ring and Gabriel balled his fist tightly as he could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. “To what do I owe this pleasant surprise to, Gabriel ?”

“I’ve told you many times that you should leave Ashley alone”. Gabriel whisper-screamed. “She doesn’t need to serve our clients.”

Luxander let out a deep throaty laughter. He couldn’t believe how dense Gabriel was thinking he was doing all this just because they’d lost a client or could it be that he was still deciding to play dumb till the end that Ashley was his sister?. Luxander thought as he wiped his tears off his cheeks. Damn, he hadn’t remembered when last he’d laughed this hard.

“Gabriel ”. Zeke dragged out slowly.”I’m hurt for your sister. I mean, even at her point of death, her brother is denying
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