
Chapter 49


As I sat in the stillness of my room, the memory lingered, entangling itself in the corners of my mind. Like an echo, it reverberated through my thoughts, refusing to be silenced. Each time I pushed it away, it only grew stronger, demanding my attention.

I found myself retracing the sequence of events, examining every detail as though with a magnifying lens. What had seemed insignificant in the moment now held an undeniable weight, pulling me deeper into its grasp. I tried to label it as a passing thought, dismissing it as mere imagination, but the truth whispered softly in the recesses of my consciousness—I couldn't lie to myself, not this time.

The more I resisted, the more the memory expanded, filling the vast expanse of my mind. It played on a loop, like a broken record, each repetition etching the moment deeper into my soul. Doubt crept in, its icy tendrils wrapping around my heart, questioning my own perception. Was I overthinking? Was this just a figment of an overactive
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