

When backed against the wall, the Ithean army had no other alternative. it was either to engage with the much bigger and better equipped Seolaran army or surrender. The latter was uneccaptable, hearing of a surrender would tanish the kigdom's name for generations to come. Ithea had an overwelming ego, they would never surrender despite knowing hte odds were never in their favor, despite that, they were willing and prepared to fight to the very end

The men's disastrous clamors that were upsetting the timberland's tranquility became stronger. They would seem, by all accounts, to be having an affectionate discussion one second, then, at that point, go quiet the following, as though they had spotted him. Nelanian was doing all that he could to sidestep them; dimness was his partner at that point, and it actually disguised him from the gathering. He was additionally depending on karma; the dimness might be bringing him towards them, and in light of the fact that neit

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