


Jason was outside the door when we came, and he opened it for us, and we went inside. Zachary's face is void of emotions like how I first met him, cold and distant to everyone.

All the shareholders quickly stood up in greetings, and Zachary just nodded in reply and settled on the head of the table. He let me sit on his right while Alex was on his left, and Jason sat in front of a desk where the projector was.

"All of you called this meeting for what?" Zachary asked despite knowing what this meeting was about.

"These rumors are spreading like wildfire." A man who was wearing a black suit replied. He looks young but looks older than Zachary.

"What rumor?" He asked and grabbed my hand under the table.

"That you have a mental illness." The same man replied.

"Do I look like I have a mental illness in your eyes, Mr. Jung? Did any of you see me go mental to all of you? Do you think I could bring this company where it is now if I have a mental disorder? Did I run this company badly for
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