

By the time I opened my eyes, I was being held down by Stanley who was trying his best not to make me fall off the sofa as I fought for my life. I was sweating profusely and breathing heavily with each seconds.

“Petals! Are you okay? What’s happening? Why are you behaving this way?” he called out desperately as he held me closer to himself

Even though my eyes were opened, I was still trapped in my dream. I kept on crying for help as I cried furiously. I was far gone in the trauma that I was almost lifeless.

“Petals!” I heard him call aloud one more time and I was woken up with full force.

Breathing with all my strength and gasping for air, I managed to open my mouth but no sound came out. I wanted to ask him what was wrong and why I was that way but I couldn’t say a thing.

“Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?” he asked, helping me to sit up properly

Since I couldn’t talk, I waved my finger to give him a no signal before folding my wrist to tell him I needed a cup of water.

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