

She was confused. She was not a fairy.

"But I am not a fairy." She stated.

"I know. But you are my mate." He said.

"How is that even possible?" She asked.

"That is why I will be going to the fairy kingdom to find out." He said.

"I will come with You." She said.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

She nodded. They did not speak again and they just lay there quietly. Looking into each other's eyes. Mark drew closer to her and their noses touched, he rubbed them together and she closed her eyes. He went closer and their lips locked in a kiss. He invaded her mouth with his tongue and twisted it with hers. He could feel her heartbeat increase and she was extremely nervous. His hands went to her face and he caressed her face gently while kissing her. Her hands went up to his bare torso, caressing his chest and strong firm abs. The kiss got intense and he quickly broke it. He was getting horny and it was not good. He was not ready for their first time yet. He wanted it to be special.

He pulled
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