

A carriage takes us, and it is escorted by not two, as always, but four guard wolves. I have chains on my feet and they cannot be seen under my tunic dress the color of fresh moss. I also have shoes. They bother me. I think all the time about kicking them away, but I don't know why I don't do it. I just follow with Reeina by my side, like a doll.

She washed, combed and braided my hair with colorful ribbons.

I notice there isn't much lilac in it anymore. The strands are almost completely colorless, and I notice that unfortunately this doesn't matter much to me.

I don't care about much today.

I barely think.

Through the carriage window I see people jostling outside the circular building, trying to catch a glimpse of the spectacle taking place.

I wonder if they are here out of curiosity or sadism, after all wolves die in this place.

Reeina said that three contestants have died so far and only the Princes and another man remain who I didn't bother to learn the name of.

The guards surround
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