


“Our final event before the lunch will be piggy back race but with a twist. In this activity, the child will get on the dad’s back and then, the dad’s will race but they will be walking on fours like a pig. Whoever wins will receive a special price for both father and child. Shall we start?!”

“Yeahhhhh1” the cheers came from all excited children. and surprisingly, Eve saw how excited Theo was.

Not just now but even in the three other games before this. back then, Theo didn’t even played with other kids every time she went with him in parks. She thought it might be because he was advanced than kids of huis age, thus she don’t play like usual kids.

But she was wrong.

With Lucas, he participated in all activities while laughing and giggling.

“Looking at them, no one can really deny that they’re father and son.”

Eve nodded and smiled at Shia. She couldn’t even take her eyes off Theo who wasd already in Lucas’s back.

Although she already r
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