
Blacking out

Jasmine’s pov

A gentle tap on my thigh made me slowly and reluctantly peel my eyes open. Last night would easily be said to be my best night ever. I felt closure from all angles of the world. My sleep was great and so was the sex. Kyle was beyond good last night that I lost track of the number of orgasms I had. He took me to heights I never knew existed and most shockingly, I wanted and still want more. Blame my wild wolf hormones. I was sore, deliciously sore I must add and even though I could barely walk, I wouldn’t think twice if he asked that I put my leg on his shoulders.

“Wake up, honey.” Kyle’s baritone reverberated against my bones, pushing me to wake up.

“I don’t want to.” I whimpered, using the sheets to cover me up. “Gosh, I feel so jelly.”

“That should be my fault and I’m sorry. The thing is, it is past noon and I thought you would feel more refreshed if you have a bath and eat. Medications wouldn’t be a bad idea either.” after what he said about noon, I immediately zoned
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