

“SOPHIE… You need to find us.” A voice echoed in my mind during the dream, like a whisper that crossed the veils of my consciousness.

“Find who? Who are you?” I asked, confused, as the initial darkness gave way to a field of flowers, their beauty illuminating the scene.

“We are the bearers of your answers... Come, child, destiny awaits you!” The voice resonated more intensely, revealing a splendid house in the center of the field. I approached, and the door opened before me. Inside, three women and the young boy that I had rescued in the forest were seated in comfortable armchairs, looking at me with expectation.

The door slammed shut, and I felt myself being dragged backward as dark, dense clouds formed in the sky, heralding the arrival of shadows.

“NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU!” The dark voice of the witch echoed menacingly.

I woke up abruptly, my hand instinctively going to my ribs, which burned with each breath.

“What happened, human?” The Alpha asked, assessing my condition, still sitting
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