

I covered my face with her hands, feeling as wrung out as a dishcloth. Hot tears seeped through the cracks of her fingers as she allowed herself to weep for everything that I had lost and I was still losing. I was so wrapped up in her own misery , suddenly I felt a arm around my shoulder, I look up to the person’s face and it was Lisa.

“Shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay . . .” Marks pretty wife was perched on the side of the bed, her head bowed toward me. “You’ll be alright, both you and your beautiful little girl will be absolutely fine. Alex will take care of you.”

“Alex hates me,” I negated miserably.

“Alex could never hate the woman who has given him such a gorgeous daughter,” Lisa denied.

“ I lived with him for months to know this? I said.

“ I don’t think he is still that man you knew then, he is a different man” she said.

“He blames me for what happened to him,” I groaned. “And I don’t even know what happened to him! How did he lose his hearing?” I lifted tear-drenched brown eyes to Li
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