
Chapter 5: Adrian

Lilith and the mystery man had left the ball, going back to her home.

She walked over to her bed taking a seat.

"How is this possible?" She asked, still in shock.

"You don't know?" His voice sent a shiver down her spine.

"Know what?"

"Let me give a history lesson."

"Centuries ago, a moon goddess named Aurora, your ancestor. She was mated to my ancestor Samael, but he rejected her, for someone elsea queen to be exact, he married the queen for power, he didn't know who Aurora was but when he found out it was too late. She had already seen the man he was, a power-hungry fool. So Aurora took her revengeshe made it so, no one could ever mate a Bloodlust, my family and no moon goddess could have a mate until now. Her curse as been lifted." It took Lilith a minute to process this, but when she finally did she asked.

"Why was the curse lifted? Why now?" He stayed silent, indicating he had no knowledge of why she sighed.

"I'm sorry, my love, I wish I could be of more use." Hearing this made her heart warm.

"No need to apologize, I think Goddess Darci could help us figure out why." She said standing up, walking over to him. "I'll set up a meeting with her next week, Monday, you can come if you like." She said, hoping he would come.

"Anything for you, love, but I must go, I have matters to attend to, till we meet again." He touched her cheek, she gasped at the tingles that went through her body, he smirked, she blinked and he was gone.

She frowned, missing him already, Mara silently agreed.


It had been a few days since, god! she didn't even know his name. It had slipped her mind. Again, It had been a few days since he left, 5 to be exact. Lilith nor Mara didn't know what to do with themselves.

They were constantly thinking about him, every thought that came to her mind was about him, his eyes, his smile, his hairWhat the hell was wrong with her, she had never acted this way over a guy!

Could you stop thinking for a second? I'm trying to sleep you should too. Mara suggested, but Lilith couldn't even think about sleeping right now.

She twisted and turned, trying to get him out of her mind but it was impossibly.

Reos auo kiaus? Oisae (Are you okay? Love)

She heard his voice, she loved the way Crelaxos slipped from his lips, looking around she saw him standing at her bedpost.

"How did you"

"I'm not actually here, I'm astral projecting." He said, answering her question as he walked over to her, taking a seat on her bed, making her sit up, beside him.


"You didn't answer my question, love."

"What quesoh I'm fine, I just can't sleep."

"How can I help with that?"

Mara- Let him sleep with us

Lilith- Don't you think that's a little too soon?

Mara- No, I want to sleep and I can't do that with all your thinking, so ask him, or I will.

Lilith- Fine.

"You wouldn't mindum sleeping with me, just until I fall asleep." When he didn't respond, she blushed slightly.

"I apologize, I shouldn't have" He shook his head.

"No need to apologize, I'd love to lay with you even if I'm not really here." Before he could climb onto the bed she stops him.

"Before we do this." She started.

You're making it sound like we're about to have sex with him.

She ignored her wolf/Lycan and continued. "What's your name?"


"It's nice to meet you, Adrian."

"It's nice to meet you too Lilith." She smiled as he laid next to her.

They both were tensed until she turned around, facing him.

"You can hold me." She whispered loud enough for him to hear, and he did so, putting his arms around her.

She sinks into his embrace since he wasn't actually there, she felt no sparks, but that was ok, him being there was enough.

"Lisuoa, yuie oisae." He whispered. (Sleep, my love)

And she did.


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