

Twice in twenty seconds, the only thing that saved Ethan was his recently enhanced reflexes. He didn't even have an opening to counter attack. His slightly improved reflexes only made a small difference, but that small difference somehow made a huge difference.

"Drop 'em now and I'll make your death quick." The thug gloated after Ethan had leapt back almost ten feet to get some space.

He panted as he finally got some breathing room. *I'm open to suggestions.*

*Never come anywhere near Arcanum ever again,* Alana replied.

*Don't worry, they'll see nothing but taillights after this.*

*What are taillights?*

*They're... nevermind.* Ethan tuned his attention to the man in front of him. He was wise to Ethan's hammer-return trick, and had assiduously avoided putting himself between the dragon and his hammer. He desperately wished his spear had some kind of small hook on the end he could use to hook the shield out of the way. Sadly, it didn't.

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