


My eyelids were heavy the next time I opened my eyes. I was confused as to where I was until my eyes caught one of the bright crystals in the chandelier of my room that I hated. It always shined so brightly and blinded me whenever I fell asleep and forgot to turn it off. Today was no exception. I decided to tell one of my mates to have it removed because it brought me too much discomfort. My eyes were still on it when the door to my room creaked open, and someone came in.

I couldn’t crane my neck to see who it was because it hurt so much. Did I break my neck when I embarrassingly fell in front of everyone and fainted? How could that have happened to me? I knew I was too tired, but I did not know I was too tired that I had passed out. When I joked about it, that was all it was meant to be. A freaking joke. Just for it to happen a few minutes later. I was sure Poppy was not going to let me get away with this. She was going to tease me about it until the day my soul left my body.

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