
Chapter 19

I spilled cocktail allover CJ's white shirt. 

I start wiping his shirt, crying how sorry I am but he stops me and instead looks at me.

"Hey. It's fine," he says gently.

CJ suddenly steps back and crosses his arms against his chest, observing me.

"You look... Different."

Zara pinches my back and I wince. 

CJ smiles at the both of us. "Have fun..." he looks at me. "See you around." 

Then he walks away, fixing his tie. 

Zara gasps. "Bitch, what have you done to CJ?" 

Here we go again... 


I'm dancing in George's arms at the huge ballroom.

We are dancing to a slow song and from a distance, I spot CJ. He's dancing with that bitch, Madeline. For some strange reason, I feel irked seeing her in his arms. 

There's no passion whatsoever or emotion as he dances with Madeline. Madeline is lying her head gently on his shoulder, his arms twirled around her wai

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