

"We failed.."

Ashok was perspiring while talking to her. "Devi, our cobras are back empty handed."

"You say; should I disperse this batch of cobra Huh?? I just asked you to find an old mansion and you are saying there is none!"

"Commander, according to the clues you provided, our cobras were trying to track the mansion for almost one month but that place doesn't exist. The directions point towards a lake."

"Do you think I am too old to remember a simple way?"

"No.. Devi I mean you had wine that day, maybe you hallucinated."

"Ashok you have guts huh?? to infer that I hallucinated an entire night from just a bottle of wine."

"Sorry commander, I will dispatch more cobras and this time I will lead the batch."

"No need. Leave it . I still have time to dig that entire lake."

It was almost noon. Ashok quickly hid from the maid who brought her mid day snacks.

"Devi.. This.." He looked at the flower cakes carefully.

"Its poisoned !!"


"Devi.. Its Mekala right; How dare she??" Ashok flip
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