
Confessions and Reactions 2

"If it's you then, nice. I would say the truth."

"Are you trying to be cheesy?" Sakiko asked and hit him playfully on the arm.

"Ouch! How can you bully a sick person?"

"Huh! Sick ey. You don't look sick. You look perfectly fine to me."

"That's because my other half is here with me and not angry at me anymore."

"That's cause you yelled and you got jealous. Which sick person has enough adrenaline to get jealous?"

"Enh! That's just baseless. Who got jealous?"


"You must have been seeing things."

"Ohhh, now you are denying it. What happened to your earlier statement of 'if it's you then, I would say the truth' huh?" She questioned him.

She placed both hands on her slim waist in a motherly fashion.

"What! You must have heard wrong. I didn't say... "

Before he finished, she raised her hand

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