


It was when Lloyd got back to his car that he saw he had left his phone in the car. He saw Nancy had left him ten missed calls and a text to thank him for the breakfast and bath.

“Progress,” He muttered to himself.

Whoever wanted Nancy dead was still out there and as long as they were free, she would always be in danger. He thought about who would have been capable of such a thing and the first person that came to his mind was Allison but he quickly pushed it away.

Sure, Allison was crazy and a borderline psychopath but she was harmless. Besides, what relationship did she even have with Chloe?

The only other person that came to his mind and made sense was Harry Granger but would he really be that stupid? Lloyd already requested that he be questioned by the cops while Dominic, his PI and inspector Lincoln, figure out where the wire transfer came from.

His phone rang again, jolting him out of his thoughts. It was Nancy and the first thing she said made him panic all over agai
Collins Patrick

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