
Chapter 52 The Fight (2)

"Cami!" Jake shouted desperately. "Let the doctor come quickly!" and I immediately see the doctor appear beside her, and the doctor is none other than Dr. Archer.

What is he doing here? I was surprised and shocked. But I can't get close to her because I immediately see that the one who threw himself at Alpha Powers to release Camilla is Dominic himself.

Powers rushes at him and, embracing him, pushes him and sticks his fangs into Dominic's shoulder, tearing his flesh.

"Dominic!" I scream desperately, running towards him, ready to throw myself into battle, but I am caught in the back by two unmistakable strong arms. Michael!

"Let him fight!" Michael tells me and Dad and Morris appear right next to us.

Dominic doesn't give up. Soon all that can be heard is the sounds and blows between Powers and Dominic.

All the alphas gathered around them, the elders of the council arrived too, and although they were not allowed to intervene in the fight, they watched with interest what was happening.

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