
45~ Hope

Freya sat on her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks as Myra rushed into the room, concern etched on her face. "Freya, why are you crying?" Myra asked, kneeling beside her.

Between sobs, Freya managed to say, "It's Enzo... he's not coming back home." She hiccuped and wiped her tears, trying to regain composure.

Myra's heart sank at the words, but she tried to reassure Freya, "Don't worry, he'll be back. Enzo is a strong man, and he always finds a way."

Freya shook her head, her voice trembling, "No, Myra, it's different this time. I just spoke to him a few minutes ago, and he sounded so distant, as if he knew... as if he knew he was going to die tonight."

Myra was left speechless, her mind racing with worry for her dear friend and the man she had come to trust as a powerful Mafia Lord. Despite his strength, she knew the dangers of his world.

With a heavy heart, Myra hugged Freya into her arms, hugging her so tight, trying to offer some comfort in the face of their uncertainty. "We ca
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