
Kissing Death


“Try me, Sera.”

I stood on shaking legs, balling my hands into fists. He stood so casual, almost bored. He smirked, the stupid mouth of his curving into a smile that sent both heat and despair ripping down my spine.

“You’re a monster,” I whispered. “Why did you make me do that?”

“Do what?” He took a menacing step toward me. “Give you a chance to save that asshole’s life? Oh, I am so, so sorry.”

“You didn’t have to be so mean,” I hissed. “Whatever it is you want from me is between me and you. Not my friends.”

“Oh, cara mia. You involved them the second you made that phone call.”

“You were baiting me on purpose.”

His eyes gleamed with something I could only describe as pride, which made me even more furious with him. That initial terror I’d felt in his presence evaporated and was replaced by pure, burning fury.

If I died right now by his hand, would that be so bad? Death now could spare me pain later.

“Jim is just a teacher, like me. He teaches PE for God’s sake. I hate you, Killia
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