
Nonna Knows Best


“Close the fucking curtains, Olivia.” My tongue stuck to the top of my mouth, dry as sandpaper. Light poured into the room and set my head throbbing like someone was beating me to death with a hammer.

Olivia snorted with mirth as she ripped open another set of curtains, this time directing the unforgiving light of day right over my eyes. I winced, shielding myself from the sun.

“Don’t worry,” she sang as she moved about the room. “I brought you the cure. My nonna loved her brandy, you see. But she had to be well for Mass every morning.”

Something clinked against the bedside table, and I peeked through my fingers to find Olivia measuring some sticky, smelly liquid into a silver spoon.

“Get that away from me.” My nose wrinkled at the stench. A rich, herbal scent hit me and settled deep in my gut.

“Open up,” she chided, reaching down to pinch my thigh as I clenched my jaw.

“You bitch!”

She shoved the spoon into my mouth, and I jerked off the bed, swinging out an arm. I missed her co
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