
Chapter-53 Watchful of behaviour



"Okay, class. This will be it for today. I'll see you on Monday with your assignments, yeah?" Miss Turner said before leaving the class, and I sighed before slumping in my chair.

"What is wrong with you? You look tired. Are you unwell?" Cassandra asked me as she walked towards my seat, and I shook my head.

"Nothing. I am just having trouble sleeping these days," I lied, and she nodded her head.

"Let me buy you some chocolate shakes. I am sure it will energize you," she said as she led me towards the canteen, and I hummed in reply.

To say the last few days have been hectic for me would be an understatement.

Alcinder is training me a lot harder than before, and I always feel as if I am drained of energy after every session. He had warned me about this at the beginning of the week. He had asked me if I was ready to step up a level, and without thinking twice, I had agreed to his proposal. However, who would've thought that it would be this hard.

After that night
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