
Our Romantic Moment


Our Romantic Moment

Leanda slowly opened her eyes, one after the other, and rubbed them as her vision was still blurry. She blinked a few times until her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the spacious room. As she looked around, her mouth dropped open in amazement. The room was breathtakingly beautiful, adorned with luxurious furnishings made of gold and decorated with a sparkling chandelier that hung from the ceiling. She didn’t notice it earlier.

She sat up on the bed and took in every detail of the room, from the intricate designs on the walls to the soft velvet curtains that draped over the windows. Leanda couldn't help but marvel at the opulence of it all.

But as she looked to her side, she realized that Alarick was nowhere to be found. She wondered where he had gone, but then she remembered the hot rounds of their lovemaking hours before and smiled to herself. She lay back on the bed, remembering every moment, and giggled softly to herself.

Leanda remembere
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