
Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Healing Him

I refused to entertain Calgary's conclusion about me being Alpha Lawrence's daughter. My Dad loved me so much, and if Calgary was right, then that means I must hate Alpha Lawrence even more. They said parents could feel a connection with their kids. If he really was my real father, how come he beats me up with no remorse? Didn't he feel anything whenever he was hurting me?

My chest tightened with the thought. I let out a heavy breath and decided to come see Calla instead so my mind would be busy.

After leaving Calgary's house, I walked towards his grandmother's home where Calla usually stays when Calgary wasn't around.

I heard he went with Alpha Quira to talk to the council. The council is consists of some elderly members who no longer stays with their original pack in Nirvana to prevent any bias decisions. Lynel said their grandmother was offered a seat in the council of Nirvana but she politely declined because she didn't want to leave Calgary and Lynel.

Lucky for them, they still had their grandma around. If only mine was still alive, maybe things would be better for me.

I was about to reach Ahma's house when Lindsey stormed towards me and dragged me towards the woods. Her nails dug deeply into my skin, but since I was wearing my collar, I couldn't pull my arm from her hold.

"What the hell?" I hissed after she let go of me.

Lindsey's eyes turned gold in fury. "I don't know what you're planning but put this in that empty head of yours. Calgary is mine, and whoever will try to steal my chance to be his Luna in the upcoming selection night, I swear I'd elliminate in a heartbeat."

My blood boiled. "If you're confident enough, why still threaten me, hmm? It's not like I'd throw myself in the ring and have a cat fight with other girls for someone I don't even like."

She smirked. "You better make sure, or else I'm gonna make sure you'll regret getting here." She crossed the short distance between us, trying to threaten me even more. "If you're using Calla to get close with Calgary, don't waste your time anymore. You will never belong here."

I laughed, an annoying one. "Like I said, I don't even like your Alpha." I cocked a brow. "But touch me again, I won't think twice to give you what you're asking for."

"Oh, you think you're so tough, huh? Weren't you--"

"That's enough."

We both looked Ahma who was a few meters away from us. Calla was hiding behind her, and I think it was Calla who told Ahma what was going on between me and Lindsey.

I bowed out of respect while Lindsey just flipped her blond hair before she left. Ahma sighed while shaking her head in disappointment. When Lindsey was gone, Calla immediately run towards me. Her tiny arms wrapped around my waist before she looked at me as if she was asking if I was alright.

My lips stretched for a smile as I caressed her hair. "Don't worry, Calla. I'm fine. She didn't hurt me at all."

Ahma took her steps towards us. "I hope you will change your mind. Lindsey is currently the strongest she-wolf in Claivan. If she will win the next selection for Calgary's Luna, things might turn out horrible for our pack." Ahma smiled at me. "I see immense power in you, Nadine. Please do not let that go to waste."

I swallowed. "Thank you for having faith in me, Ahma, but I'm afraid, I already won the selection in my pack."

"Were you proclaimed, dear?" she asked.

I shook my head in response. "The hunters came before the Beta was able to declare me as the new Luna."

"Then that means your fate isn't set in stone yet." Her smiled became motherly. "I never doubted the Moon Goddess' power. We have our free will, but she has already pre-written our lives. What's not meant to happen, will never happen."

I badly wanted to groan because honestly, I already lost faith in the Moon Goddess, but it's not a good idea to disrespect the Moon Goddess in front of Ahma so I just smiled at her before I asked Calla to come with me.

We went to the field of flowers and picked some. Calla was so happy with the flower crown that I made for her. She was giggling and dancing while I was watching her, but when I felt a different kind of pain, my smile faded and Calla rushed towards me in a worried way.


I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to ease away the pain. Auror told me that the pain wasn't mine but of our mate's. It made me worried, so when the pain slightly subsided, I brought Calla back to village.

It didn't take long before Lynel came back with Calgary. Some of their Deltas were injured, too, but Calgary had the biggest wounds.

I didn't know why I rushed towards Calgary's side as soon as Lynel was able to put him down on the patient's bed. When I looked at Lynel, he let out a heavy sigh before he spoke to me as if he was able to read my mind.

"He tried to protect me. The council was attacked by the Sigma." He looked at his grandmother. "They gave us a warning."

"What did they say?" I asked.

Lynel turned to me. "They want to make a bargain. They won't harm Claivan, Mayhem, and Prudence if we will give them the remains of the former pack leaders... and if the current leaders will surrender to them."

Chills travelled down my spine as I tried to take in what Lynel just said. "And if you won't?"

He sighed. "They'll attack us until none of us is still breathing."

Ahma cleared her throat. "Have faith in the Moon Goddess. Let's not think about that right now. We have to make sure Calgary will heal fast so he can decide what to do."

We nodded in response. I was about to leave with Lynel when Calgary suddenly grabbed me by my wrist before he tried to speak in a raspy way. "S--Stay."

My lips parted when everyone suddenly left as if they understood why Calgary requested me to stay with him. When the door finally shut and we were left alone, he gently pulled me closer so he can take off my collar.

Auror whimpered inside me as if she felt Calgary's pain. She begged to get onto the surface, and when I was left with no choice, I finally let her.

I watched everything in the background. Calgary and I shifted into our wolf form. He lied on the ground weakly while Auror sat next to him and started licking his face. His wolf behaved so well as if despite Auror being half of its size, he was submissive to her. Even I was fascinated with how fast Auror was healing him, and the more I witnessed the magical connection between Auror and Calgary's wolf, Duke, the more the truth was getting slapped on my face.

The truth about us being true mates.

The same truth I knew I should never honor because of Luhence...

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