
Chapter 1 - "Is Sex Still On The Menu Tonight?"

C H A P T E R  1 : S E X  I S  S T I L L  O N  T H E  M E N U

J A V I E R  S U M M E R S

Javier Summers placed his mug down on the table then stood. As he wandered about his office, he could not help but feel guilty for doing things behind Ella Stanford, his fiancé’s back. His decision had been risky yet necessary. Or at least from his point of view, he believed that it was necessary for a child to meet her parent. According to him, it was rather unfair of Ella to judge her biological father so harshly without ever meeting him. After all, there were two sides to every story and thus far, she had only been listening to her mother’s side of the story.

Still, no matter how he tried to justify his action, he could not help but having that growing guilty feeling inside his heart. It bothered him constantly to no end like a debt collector. He knew that once Ella found out about what he had been doing for the last two weeks, she could be angry and that would not be good for their baby. He should tell her. He should confess to her and ask for her forgiveness. Yet somehow, his guts told him that if he informed her about his investigation on her biological father, she would not be willing to meet the man.

She hated the man. She hated him for leaving her and her mother behind. Javier would hate this man too but his head refused to simply exhaust his emotion on someone without knowing all the facts about them. Perhaps he should not tell Ella. Not until her father agreed on the meeting. Then and only then he would tell her and beg for her forgiveness. For now, it was better to keep it a secret.

There was a knock on the door of his office before the handle was turned and the door was swung open. Ella stepped inside with a small smile on her face. “Are you ready for the doctor’s appointment?”

Javier swallowed a small lump on his throat and forced himself to give her a smile. “Of course. Would not miss it for the world.”

* * *

E L L A  S T A N F O R D

“The little one is healthy and you are in a good condition to carry a baby so there should be no issue,” said Dr. Marc with a reassuring smile. Although he was evidently a gynecologist, he would look good as a dentist too with his perfect crystal white teeth. “Have you both thought of the name for the baby—”

“I am sorry but I have to stop you right there, Doc,” said Ella with a grin. “We do not want to reveal the gender. We want it to be a surprise.”

Dr. Marc Bordeau gave her an understanding smile. “I shall try my best not to use any pronoun that might reveal the baby’s sex then.”

“Thank you.”

A nurse came shortly after and offered Ella a warm glass of water which she accepted gratefully with a smile and a small note of thanks. She drank half of the glass before placing it on the table.

“Okay, is there any questions or concerns? I know young couples usually have tons.” Dr. Marc glanced at Javier then added, “I know ten questions that Mr. Summers has asked me before we began were only a premonition to what would come.”

“I have done my research, Doc, so I do not have any question for now.” Then as if she suddenly recalled what had happened about a week ago, she quickly added, “Although there was one thing that I know would not be an issue but Javier here was worried.”

“And that would be?”

Almost instantly, Ella could feel her cheeks getting warmer and warmer each passing second. She could not say it even though she knew that the doctor was her gynecologist and he had seen her in her most vulnerable state but she just could not bring herself to ask the question. Dr. Marc, on the other hand, kept switching his gaze from Ella to Javier.

With a blank expression on his face, Javier made eye contact with the doctor and said, “We just want to know for sure whether it is safe for the baby should we, uh,” he paused to cough under his breath then continued, “have sexual intercourse.”

There was a small glint on Dr. Marc’s grey eyes but he remained professional and calm. “I can assure you that having sex will not hurt your baby. A penis or penetrative sex toy cannot penetrate beyond your vagina, and the baby truly can not tell what is going on so you both have nothing to worry about. Although—”

Dr. Marc seemed a bit hesitant but Javier, who had been listening to each and every word, immediately tensed. “Although, what?”

This time, it was the doctor’s turn to cough and glance at Ella nervously. “Although it is normal for your sex drive to change during pregnancy. This might not something to worry about, but I do believe that it is helpful to talk about it between the two of you.”

“Are you saying that I might find Ella to be repulsive just because she is pregnant?” Javier narrowed his eyes, looking every bit offended. “If you are, then I can assure you that there is no change at all from my end. She is looking even radiant and beautiful now that she is pregnant and carrying our baby.”

Ella knew the doctor could not possibly mean that but she accepted Javier’s hand and squeezed his hand back in return while pursing her lips and trying not to smile.

“No, I am sorry, perhaps I should be clearer. I am talking about Ella here,” replied Dr. Marc. “She may find having sex very enjoyable during pregnancy, or simply feel she does not want to. Together you both can find other ways of being loving or making love. The most important thing is to talk about your feelings with your partner.”

“Oh.” Javier gave the doctor a nod. “Duly noted.”

Dr. Marc gave both of them a kind smile. “You do not need to worry about sex during pregnancy until much later in your pregnancy where orgasm or even sex might cause Braxton Hicks contraction. But for now, it is all good.” He looked at Javier and then Ella before asking, “So, is there any other question you would like me to answer?”

* * *

After they had thanked the doctor and paid for the bills, they walked out of the clinic where Pedro had been waiting for them. He let Javier open and close the passenger door for Ella before opening the door for his boss.

“Where to, Sir?” He asked once he was settled behind the steering wheel.

Javier shifted in his seat and turned to Ella. “Do you still want that spicy cheese ramyeon you have been craving since last night?”

She eagerly nodded like a child and caused his smile to stretch wider. “Yes, please.”

“To the usual Korean restaurant, Pedro. Thank you.”

“Got it, Boss.”

As the car slowly entered the road and was on the way to their favorite Korean restaurant downtown, Javier pushed the button in between their seats and the privacy glass slid up.

“Ella, I need to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me.” He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You do not need to think about my feelings or anything. Just tell me straight.”

She frowned but she obliged regardless. “Okay. What is it?”

“Do you—” He sighed, looking as if he was having trouble saying the words. “Have you lost your sexual desire?” Looking at how she glanced nervously at the privacy glass, he added, “Do not worry. He will not be able to hear anything.”

“Honestly, no.


“Nope. You and I both were there that night. I really want it but you are the one who held back.” She leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his nose.

“I was worried that we might accidentally hurt the baby.”

“I have told you we would not.” She cupped his face with both of her hands. “You know, I should be the one asking you instead, Sir.” Wiping a small bead of sweat off his forehead, she realized that he had been nervous to ask and she found it somewhat sweet. “Is sex still on the menu tonight?”

His lips crushed hers in a heated, rough, all consuming kiss. Her lips parted almost immediately and his tongue slipped in and tangled with hers. She let out a soft moan, careful not to alert Pedro, as his fingers were on her hair and his teeth bit down on her lower lip. Javier gripped her hips and lifted her until she was straddling on his lap. One of his arms hooked around her waist as the other dives back into her hair for a bruising kiss. He let out a low, hungry growl before breaking the kiss to catch a breath and give her the answer to her question. “Hell yes.”

* * *

Hello again, Dear Gentle Readers! Hope all of you are safe and healthy! This author is so excited about this second book. Finally, we get to see Ella and Javier again. Hope you all enjoy it! And please, do give some love in the review section! It has been a while :)

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