
Chapter 103: Unexplainable Feelings

Sofia's POV

My face reddened, still staring at him. Drake made my heart pumping so fast inside my chest. I can't believe that he will put my finger in his lips. The moment that I'm about to speak when we heard a little voice mentioned a word that shattered my heart. 

“Daddy…” Luke uttered and that made me turned my head towards him. The tears in my eyes gradually fell to my eyes when I notice that Luke was looking at his father. His eyes were towards Drake and feels like, he recognized him. 

“Is that our son, Sofia?” Drake asked me, and this time, I turn my attention to Drake. I slowly nodded my head, responding to him. 

“Yes, Drake. He's your child.” I uttered and shock written on my face when Drake shed tears. He's crying while his eyes were towards Luke. 

“Damn, he looks like me.” He mumbled and which made me to bite my upper lips. Drake slowly walk nears Luke, and he takes my son from my friend. I was biting my upper li

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