

"Off. Off." The girl wheezed out and he quickly got off of her.

His brows knot. Why did she sound a little bit like Bailey?

That's it. Kaleb had officially gone mad. Not only was he seeing Bailey's face on everyone, but he was also now hearing her voice too.

He had gone mad. Insane.

"Who the fuck?" Kaleb slurred as he tries to figure out who this girl was but groaned.

It was too much work using his brain right now.

The better question was why this girl was in his bed and why the hell did she feel so good under him seconds ago.

Kaleb grunts when he felt his cock stir.


He was getting hard for this girl.

The girl makes a move to get off the bed and away from him and without thinking much Kaleb arms slang over her midsection and he stopped her.

"No stay."

He nearly pleaded.

Those damn edibles had him acting like a sap.

The girl stopped and with the way her body was still tense, he knew that she had been reluctant to stay.

"Are you trying to escape the party too?" He asked after a
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Where are the updates?
goodnovel comment avatar
Kasey N Adam Swearengin
will you be finishing this story?
goodnovel comment avatar
Julie Pillay
cant wait for the next chapter

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