

Kaleb's pov

Does this girl not know how she fucking drives me insane?!

She's now my waking thought and haunts me even in my dreams. Bailey Reed was starting to become an addiction I crave every single day.

And you know what?

I loved it.

I loved craving her.

Wanting her.

Jesus, I only craved her.

But I want more, this urgency to always be with her...

This craving that was soon becoming a desperation.


What had she done to me?

I looked at her as she walked up those stairs, her long smooth legs making me want to lick them for hours.

"Where is she going?" Mira questioned with panic as she stared at Katrina who shrugged.

" I think she's gone to use the bathroom."

Mira panics and pulls out her phone.

The boys were talking to me but I couldn't focus on them. My ears were only picking up on the conversation Mira was having with Bailey.

"Kaleb. Do you hear me man?" A smack on my shoulder made me draw my attention back to Stefan.

"Hm?" I asked, not at all interested with what they were talk
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La'Shivaniya Ladiiey N Korope
The Chapters Are So Short

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