
Chapter Sixty Three

Vikrant got to the hospital a few minutes later than the time Sarita had texted him. He found her and Kaly sitting in the waiting room with other pregnant women and his heart skipped a beat as it finally dawned on him that in a couple of months, he'd be expecting his own child. A child he didn't want to have now but couldn't abandon.

"Anu." He called as he approached them.

Sarita looked up at him with red rimmed eyes, shot up to her feet and ran to hug him. She'd thought he wasn't going to come even though he'd given his word that he'd show up but she'd cried anyway, ruining Kaly's gorgeous scarf which she'd used to blow her nose.

"Were you crying?" He asked her.

She pulled back to look at him. He had bags under his eyes, like he'd not slept a wink last night. That'd make two of them.

"Something got into my eyes." She lied.

"Liar." He said.

"I'm fine now." She led him to the recliners and they sat down.

"You look like hell, Coz." Kaly remarked with a teasing smile on her face. "Found
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