
36 - Little Emma

36 - Little Emma


Oh, she had a huge pair of tits alright. My little Emma. Already allowing herself to feel empowered by showing off her bits—my bits— to everyone. How dare she…

It was okay. It was. Really. After all, she’d be with me in a few months. Weeks if I make it happen early and get rid of that new nuisance. That piece of shit bodyguard.

Cillian Chang. I had been keeping eyes on him when he ruined my plan for that day. Emma was so willing and pliant and ready for me, mumbling in her sleep when he just had to come back to the suite.

I was furious. He must have used his large body to pin her down and use her. I knew it. Just how he closed the fucking curtains in my damn face just when my sweet little Emma was going to cum. For me. I knew he was torturing her, so I

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