

James tilted his head to one side as he thought about his answer, before saying, “I respect safe words. Alain doesn’t. I also use sadism primarily as a means to increase pleasure. Alain gets his kicks in a different way.”

“And what’s that?” My voice had more of an edge now. My fighting spirit was back, thank God.

He shook his head at me. “You’ll find out soon enough, Lois, but let me give you a piece of advice. Never, ever run.” The look James wore was serious enough to make me question it.

“Why?” I didn’t normally run from anything, but it might be useful to know why I shouldn’t.

“Because he’ll hunt you down. He loves the chase. When he’s found you, he’ll torture you, and believe me when I say you’ll wish you were dead. So, don’t give him the satisfaction.

You get in, you take what he doles out, and you sob where necessary, to the very best of your acting abilities. You do what you’ve got to do, and then you get out. You won’t get a second chance, Lois. You’ll be dead.”

“I know the
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